[VMware] Ansible を使用して vCenter Server をデプロイする

今回は Ansible を使用して vCenter Server 8.0 U3d をデプロイした際の内容を記事にします。

クライアント OS: AlmaLinux 9.5
デプロイする vCSA のネットワーク: DHCP で IP 割り当て
Ansible バージョン: core 2.18.4rc1
VMware Collection:community.vmware 5.5.0

vi deploy_vcsa.yml

vars の値や networks のポートグループ名について、適宜変更が必要となります。

- name: Deploy vCSA 8.0 with DHCP-based FQDN
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    - community.vmware

    #=== デプロイ先 vSphere 接続情報
    # デプロイ先 vCSA/ESXi のホスト名/IP
    deploy_hostname: ""
    # 接続ユーザ
    deploy_username: "administrator@vsphere.local"
    # 上記ユーザのパスワード
    deploy_password: "VMware1!"
    # SSL 証明書の検証を行うかどうか
    validate_certs: no

    #=== デプロイ先 vSphere リソース情報
    # デプロイ先の Datacenter 名
    datacenter_name: "Datacenter"
    # デプロイ先の Cluster 名
    cluster_name: "cluster"
    # デプロイ先の VMフォルダ名 (空文字=デフォルト)
    folder_name: ""
    # デプロイ先のデータストア名
    datastore_name: "WD_BlackSN750"
    # ディスクのプロビジョニングモード
    disk_mode: "thin"

    #=== OVA/VM 名など
    # vCSA OVA ファイルのパス
    vcsa_ova_path: "/mnt/vcsa_iso/vcsa/VMware-vCenter-Server-Appliance-"
    # デプロイする vCSA の仮想マシン名
    vcsa_vm_name: "test-vcsa-dhcp"

    #=== デプロイする vCSA の root パスワード + SSO
    # vCSA アプライアンス(OS)の root パスワード
    vcsa_root_password: "VMware1!"
    # SSO 管理者のユーザ名
    vcsa_sso_username: "administrator@vsphere.local"
    # 上記 SSO 管理者のパスワード
    vcsa_sso_password: "VMware1!"
    # SSO ドメイン名 (デフォルト vsphere.local など)
    vcsa_sso_domain: "vsphere.local"

    - name: Deploy vCSA OVA (DHCPでホスト名取得) with enable_hidden_properties
        # vCSA/ESXi に接続するためのホスト名/IP
        hostname: "{{ deploy_hostname }}"
        # 接続に使用する認証情報
        username: "{{ deploy_username }}"
        password: "{{ deploy_password }}"
        # SSL 証明書の検証を実施しない
        validate_certs: "{{ validate_certs }}"
        # デプロイ先 Datacenter 名
        datacenter: "{{ datacenter_name }}"
        # デプロイ先 Cluster 名
        cluster: "{{ cluster_name }}"
        # VM を配置するフォルダ (空文字=デフォルト)
        folder: "{{ folder_name }}"
        # デプロイ先のデータストア名
        datastore: "{{ datastore_name }}"
        # OVA ファイルのパス
        ovf: "{{ vcsa_ova_path }}"
        # 作成される仮想マシンの名前
        name: "{{ vcsa_vm_name }}"
        # ディスクプロビジョニングモード
        disk_provisioning: "{{ disk_mode }}"
        # デプロイ後に VM の電源を ON にする
        power_on: yes
        # タスクが完了するまで待機 (OVA展開含む)
        wait: yes
        # デプロイ完了後、VMware Tools 経由で IP取得を待機
        wait_for_ip_address: yes
        # ovf ファイル内の userConfigurable="false" プロパティを上書き
        enable_hidden_properties: true

        # ovf ファイル内の "Network 1" を "17v" に変更
          "Network 1": "17v"

        # OVF プロパティの設定
          # Stage2 を自動実行させるフラグ
          guestinfo.cis.deployment.autoconfig: "True"
          # アプライアンス root パスワード
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.root.passwd: "{{ vcsa_root_password }}"
          # SSH 有効化 (userConfigurable="false"の可能性あり)
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.ssh.enabled: "True"
          # IPv4/IPv6 指定
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.addr.family: "ipv4"
          # DHCP で IP を取得
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.mode: "dhcp"
          # IP 未指定時は空文字
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.addr: ""
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.prefix: ""
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.gateway: ""
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.dns.servers: ""
          # PNID (FQDN/IP) 未指定(空文字) -> DHCP 取得
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.net.pnid: ""
          # VMware Tools の時刻同期を有効化
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.time.tools-sync: "True"
          # NTP ーバ (今回空文字)
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.ntp.servers: ""
          # SSO 管理者ユーザ名(本来変更不可の場合もある)
          guestinfo.cis.vmdir.username: "{{ vcsa_sso_username }}"
          # SSO 管理者パスワード
          guestinfo.cis.vmdir.password: "{{ vcsa_sso_password }}"
          # SSO ドメイン名(デフォルトvsphere.local)
          guestinfo.cis.vmdir.domain-name: "{{ vcsa_sso_domain }}"
          # CEIP (改善プログラム)の無効化
          guestinfo.cis.ceip_enabled: "False"
          # デプロイサイズ (tiny/small/medium/large 等)
          guestinfo.cis.appliance.deployment.option: "tiny"

      register: deploy_result

    - name: Debug deploy_result
      # デプロイ結果を変数 deploy_result から出力
        var: deploy_result

    - name: Wait for vCSA VM to obtain IP address (re-check)
      # vCSA が IP 取得しているか再確認
        hostname: "{{ deploy_hostname }}"
        username: "{{ deploy_username }}"
        password: "{{ deploy_password }}"
        validate_certs: no
        name: "{{ vcsa_vm_name }}"
      register: guest_info
      # IP が取れるまでリトライ(30秒ごと 最大60回)
      until: >
        guest_info.instance is defined
        and guest_info.instance.ipv4 is defined
        and guest_info.instance.ipv4 | length > 0
      retries: 60
      delay: 30

    - name: Debug discovered IP
      # 取得した IP を表示
        msg: >
          "Deployed vCSA IP = {{ guest_info.instance.ipv4 }}"

    - name: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion
      # vCenter の Stage2(初期構成)完了をAPI応答で判断
        hostname: "{{ guest_info.instance.ipv4 | default('') | trim }}"
        username: "{{ vcsa_sso_username }}"
        password: "{{ vcsa_sso_password }}"
        validate_certs: no
      register: about_info
      # 1分おき 最大 60分リトライ
      retries: 60
      delay: 60
      until: not about_info.failed

    - name: Debug about_info
      # Stage2 完了後、vCSA バージョン等を確認
        var: about_info

ハマりポイントとして Playbook を実行した際に vSphere Client 上で
「プロパティ guestinfo.cis.vmdir.username はユーザー設定可能ではありません。」
のようなエラーが発生しました。(guestinfo.cis.vmdir.username は変わる可能性あり)

上記エラーは ova を展開した中にある ovf ファイル内で userConfigurable=”false” が

Playbook 内で enable_hidden_properties: true を指定することで
userConfigurable=”false” が定義されているプロパティでも設定を上書きできるよう

Ansible Community Documentation
-> enable_hidden_properties

ansible-playbook deploy_vcsa.yml


[root@ss070 ansible_test]# ansible-playbook deploy_vcsa.yml
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'

PLAY [Deploy vCSA 8.0 with DHCP-based FQDN] ***********************************************************************************************

TASK [Deploy vCSA OVA (DHCPでホスト名取得) with enable_hidden_properties] *****************************************************************
changed: [localhost]

TASK [Debug deploy_result] ****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "deploy_result": {
        "changed": true,
        "failed": false,
        "instance": {
            "advanced_settings": {
                "ethernet0.pciSlotNumber": "160",
                "guestinfo.ovfEnv": "",
                "hpet0.present": "TRUE",
                "migrate.hostLog": "test-vcsa-dhcp-7a2a0be5.hlog",
                "migrate.hostLogState": "none",
                "migrate.migrationId": "0",
                "monitor.phys_bits_used": "40",
                "nvram": "test-vcsa-dhcp.nvram",
                "pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber": "17",
                "pciBridge0.present": "TRUE",
                "pciBridge4.functions": "8",
                "pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber": "21",
                "pciBridge4.present": "TRUE",
                "pciBridge4.virtualDev": "pcieRootPort",
                "pciBridge5.functions": "8",
                "pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber": "22",
                "pciBridge5.present": "TRUE",
                "pciBridge5.virtualDev": "pcieRootPort",
                "pciBridge6.functions": "8",
                "pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber": "23",
                "pciBridge6.present": "TRUE",
                "pciBridge6.virtualDev": "pcieRootPort",
                "pciBridge7.functions": "8",
                "pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber": "24",
                "pciBridge7.present": "TRUE",
                "pciBridge7.virtualDev": "pcieRootPort",
                "sched.swap.derivedName": "/vmfs/volumes/676f401f-3613fa60-dd23-d094663b9e70/test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp-4082eae7.vswp",
                "scsi0.pciSlotNumber": "16",
                "scsi0:0.redo": "",
                "scsi0:1.redo": "",
                "scsi0:10.redo": "",
                "scsi0:11.redo": "",
                "scsi0:12.redo": "",
                "scsi0:13.redo": "",
                "scsi0:14.redo": "",
                "scsi0:15.redo": "",
                "scsi0:2.redo": "",
                "scsi0:3.redo": "",
                "scsi0:4.redo": "",
                "scsi0:5.redo": "",
                "scsi0:6.redo": "",
                "scsi0:8.redo": "",
                "scsi0:9.redo": "",
                "scsi1.pciSlotNumber": "32",
                "scsi1:0.redo": "",
                "scsi1:1.redo": "",
                "scsi2.pciSlotNumber": "33",
                "softPowerOff": "FALSE",
                "svga.present": "TRUE",
                "viv.moid": "92aae6c1-5064-4eba-b696-e5f15aca5533:vm-40170:hvaFUErVIg02Q6s8V1CTXAMXYXKdlMb0BhBvSE0tZCE=",
                "vmotion.checkpointFBSize": "4194304",
                "vmware.tools.internalversion": "12389",
                "vmware.tools.requiredversion": "12448",
                "vmxstats.filename": "test-vcsa-dhcp.scoreboard"
            "annotation": "VMware vCenter Server Appliance",
            "current_snapshot": null,
            "customvalues": {},
            "guest_consolidation_needed": false,
            "guest_question": null,
            "guest_tools_status": "guestToolsNotRunning",
            "guest_tools_version": "12389",
            "hw_cluster": "cluster",
            "hw_cores_per_socket": 1,
            "hw_datastores": [
            "hw_esxi_host": "",
            "hw_eth0": {
                "addresstype": "assigned",
                "ipaddresses": null,
                "label": "Network adapter 1",
                "macaddress": "00:50:56:a6:1e:ba",
                "macaddress_dash": "00-50-56-a6-1e-ba",
                "portgroup_key": null,
                "portgroup_portkey": null,
                "summary": "17v"
            "hw_files": [
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp.vmx",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp.vmsd",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp.nvram",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_1.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_2.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_3.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_4.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_5.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_6.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_7.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_8.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_9.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_10.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_11.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_12.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_13.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_14.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_15.vmdk",
                "[WD_BlackSN750] test-vcsa-dhcp/test-vcsa-dhcp_16.vmdk"
            "hw_folder": "/Datacenter/vm",
            "hw_guest_full_name": null,
            "hw_guest_ha_state": null,
            "hw_guest_id": null,
            "hw_interfaces": [
            "hw_is_template": false,
            "hw_memtotal_mb": 14336,
            "hw_name": "test-vcsa-dhcp",
            "hw_power_status": "poweredOn",
            "hw_processor_count": 2,
            "hw_product_uuid": "4226d7a1-563d-b42c-be7f-03d47a0533c5",
            "hw_version": "vmx-10",
            "instance_uuid": "50264e80-fd01-190b-f652-c902563a3a2f",
            "ipv4": null,
            "ipv6": null,
            "module_hw": true,
            "moid": "vm-40170",
            "snapshots": [],
            "tpm_info": {
                "provider_id": null,
                "tpm_present": false
            "vimref": "vim.VirtualMachine:vm-40170",
            "vnc": {}

TASK [Wait for vCSA VM to obtain IP address (re-check)] ***********************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Debug discovered IP] ****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "\"Deployed vCSA IP =\"\n"

TASK [Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion] *************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (60 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (59 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (58 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (57 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (56 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (55 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (54 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (53 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (52 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (51 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (50 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (49 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (48 retries left).
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for vCenter Stage2 completion (47 retries left).
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Debug about_info] *******************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "about_info": {
        "about_info": {
            "api_type": "VirtualCenter",
            "api_version": "",
            "build": "24322831",
            "instance_uuid": "092d2929-6694-433e-9761-3f609c24b5bc",
            "license_product_name": "VMware VirtualCenter Server",
            "license_product_version": "8.0",
            "locale_build": "000",
            "locale_version": "INTL",
            "os_type": "linux-x64",
            "product_full_name": "VMware vCenter Server 8.0.3 build-24322831",
            "product_line_id": "vpx",
            "product_name": "VMware vCenter Server",
            "vendor": "VMware, Inc.",
            "version": "8.0.3"
        "attempts": 15,
        "changed": false,
        "failed": false

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=6    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
